It’s no secret that at Camp Wyoming, we think summer camp is pretty great. As soon as campers leave at the end of the summer, we are already dreaming about next year. What new activities can we add? How can we make summer camp even better? We start planning and coming up with new ideas, and we spend quite a lot of time thinking about all of the campers who come. How will our campers learn and grow this year? What ideas can we share? What change can we inspire?
So, that being said, here’s why we believe that every child should go to summer camp:
Children at summer camp gain confidence, independence, and a sense of self-worth. This is one of the most undervalued benefits of summer camp. Staying for a few nights or a week away from home, especially if it is the first time, can be a scary idea for both the camper and the parent. However, when a child successfully spends the night away from their parents and the comfort that the familiarities of home and their routine offer, they learn a lot about themselves. They learn that they are able to take care of themselves. They are able to manage their own well-being. They can make friends, cook a meal over a fire, work together with their team, and paddle a kayak. They come home understanding more about themselves as an individual.
It’s hard to be bored at summer camp. How many parents have heard their kids complain, “I’m bored. There’s nothing to do!”? Kids are always excited for summer break, but as the empty days linger, they tend to turn to television, video games, and electronics to fill the time that school would have. At summer camp, kids are constantly active. They are challenged to think and find solutions. They use creativity, imagination, and learn new skills. They meet new friends. They spend most of their time outdoors, always on the go.
There’s no better way to engage in positive, faith-forming conversations and times of worship. Camp takes kids out of their normal environment and puts them right in the center of God’s creation, surrounded by numerous other children and counselors who serve as role models. They have discussions about topics like forgiveness, grace, relationships, and service. They sing, they dance, they create, they pray, they tell stories, and they dive into God’s Word and God’s plan for their lives. Long after they’ve left camp, they’ll look back on their experience at camp as a time when they met God in a very real way.
There are literally hundreds of other reasons why kids should go to summer camp. They learn new skills. They engage in community and learn the value of traditions. They become leaders. They try things they never would have tried before. They have role models in their counselors to look up to. We could go on and on. And if you’ve been to summer camp, you probably have reasons of your own.
So what are you waiting for?! Register for summer camp today!