We have had such a wonderful year here at Camp Wyoming, and it seems fitting as we draw into a season of Thanksgiving to reflect and give thanks for some of the many ways we have been blessed.
First, we are thankful for our beautiful site and the chance to provide a sacred space for young and old to come and connect with God. The 400 acres that make up the land of Camp Wyoming were donated over 55 years ago by individuals with generous hearts and a vision to see God work through a camp ministry. Though it would have been impossible for them to imagine at that time all of the people that would be impacted by their generous gift, they believed in providing a space set apart for people to come and seek the voice of God.
Second, we are thankful for all of the people who are committed to this ministry. Each summer, hundreds of campers pour through our gates, sit at our tables, and share in our community. They sing and dance, slide through the mud, and walk the trails, and when they leave this place, they share all they have learned and know with their friends. We have a wonderful group of individuals who dedicate their time and energy to serving on the Camp Wyoming Board of Trustees. Summer Staff and Volunteers dedicate countless hours to worshipping and ministering in this place. Parents, church groups, alumni, and so many more advocate for us, participate in our events and programs, and tell the people they know about Camp Wyoming. We would not be the place we are without the community that supports us.
Third, we are thankful for the chance to be part of growing faith. When a camper breathlessly follows Peter on the Christwalk, eyes lit up as he immerses himself in the story, and rejoices with his friends at the resurrection of Christ, we get to see a little glimpse of how God is speaking to the heart of that camper. When a counselor goes back to college in the Fall and signs up to be a Bible study leader on their campus, we get to see how they are going forth and changing the lives of others. When retreat participants spend time in prayer walking the labyrinth or work together to complete the challenge course or dive into the Bible in this unique setting, we get to see how God is changing lives through this ministry.
We hope that all of you have much to reflect on and be thankful for this Thanksgiving. And we would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to you for being part of all of it. We couldn’t do it without you.