Maria is the Hospitality Manager at Camp Bear Creek. She was actually born across the world in Madrid, Spain, but she grew up nearby in Oxford Junction. Maria left the area briefly during her time in the military, but she’s back in Oxford Junction now where she lives with her dog, Kiezer. She is an active member of her community and likes to volunteer for events or help people around town. Maria even serves as a member of the Oxford Junction City Council. When she’s not busy, Maria likes to go fishing or go on walks in the woods with Kiezer.
Maria says, “I like that the Camp Bear Creek ministry provides a great, positive experience. It feels as if we are all part of a big extended family.” She really enjoys how peaceful it can be out at camp surrounded by nature. Her flexible work schedule also allows her to participate in community events and activities that she loves. When she’s at home, Maria really loves to watch historical documentaries and science fiction shows on TV. Her favorite food is a toss up between kimchi or pork chops.
Maria is the perfect Hospitality Manager because she is always willing to do anything for anyone. Her generous spirit and dedication to her job have definitely blessed the Camp Bear Creek community in so many ways.
Maria’s favorite Bible verse is Acts 20:35: “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”